Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Web Page and Biz Name!!!!

Yeah I am very excited to be creating my business in a really streamline easy to manage way this year. I have decided on the official name for the wearable art that I am creating.

Introducing: Starbird Couture by Narayani

You can see the first stages of my website at www.starbirdcouture.com

I have a few pages up currently. I will be adding others as the month progresses.
Please check it out and let me know what you think, I love feedback!

Currently I am focusing on the new Starbird Bridal Collection and will have a gallery up soon on my new site of the styles available.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Dreaming of Designs

Wow I am working my ass off down here in the bay. Shira and I are up till the wee hours of the morning in her studio everyday in such creative bliss that I am amazed how we keep going. She is the best girl ever to do this with. We have such love and respect for each other on sooo many levels that when we create together we grow as artists. We push each other with our ideas and our eye for perfection and detail that I am blown away at what we are creating. W, Elle, Vogue here we come. It is natural, organic and together we succeed and bring out the best in each others work in a way that is breathless and so much fun. This is engulfing every aspect of my life. It is all I do right now. I fall asleep thinking about it, I dream about it, I wake up and create or sell or do marketing or design. I call Dan with another idea for our collection Talisman talisman.blogspot.com . We are creating some really awesome pieces perfect for the theme of Threshold. I am dedicated.

I hit a dark spot this November with the fall out between my previous assistant Marion that left me really shaken, sad and afraid of the potential of having yet another person making feather accessories in this community. But instead of harboring anger or depression (I now only wish her well on her creative path) I dove deep into my creative well and have been dreaming (literally) of fresh and sexy new designs. Once again I am being offered a canvas to create some new gear on with the Juxtapose Release party and fashion show (headlined by STS9) Vendi Vidi Vici. That is what I get to work on this week, and filling the list of custom orders and replenishing our quickly depleting stock for the sales next weekend and get some stock sent to Portland for a sale too (ladies at home contact me with what you want). We are trying to keep up and that is a really good sign that we are on target.

I just came back to Oakland from a successful sale with the Goddess Alchemy girls all weekend (I heart them sooo much check em out at www.GoddessAlchemyProject.com) and Shira rocked it at the Mission Bazaar in SF. The feedback and support we are receiving from people, our friends and dearly respected designers is so encouraging. It is giving me so much hope that our big dreams are coming into fruition. Thank you friends for your purchases, your connections, your feedback and your referrals. Keep it coming. For my friends who haven't yet seen I am sooo excited to show you and decorate you.

We have a lot of pictures of our new earrings. E-mail us KIYUMIJEWELRY (at) GMAIL (dot) COM and we will send you pictures if you are interested in a custom order.

If you would like to host a trunk show at your home before Christmas let us know. Portland folks please contact me or Jaya. We are doing one this coming Sunday in SF and Mimosa is playing some sweet tunes for us if you want to come shop. We will provide you an intimate and fun environment to socialize, shop and get a little tipsy on bubbly. Invite only as this is not a party (wink) it is a trunk sale.

Check for updates kiyumijewelry.blogspot.com & talismangear.blogspot.com

THANK YOU for your support!!! We are abundant, let us keep that idea alive and thriving! Let me know too how I can help support you and your art. Much Love!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Holiday Sales

Wow the holidays are here and its time to shop for amazing, unique gifts for those you love.
Talisman Gear designs created with artist Dan Cohen, Orelafey and Kiyumi Jewelry my other designs with artist Shira Loa will be teaming up with the Goddess Alchemy Project this December for Holiday sales.

Dec 6th & 7th:

Teaming up with the awesome ladies of The Goddess Alchemy Project you can find us at the 14th Annual Goddess Crafts Faire. Saturday Dec 6th and Sunday Dec 7th 11am-7pm at the Sebastopol Community Center 390 Morris St.
An Exquisite collection of hand-made gifts along with Delicious Food and Fabulous Entertainment will be offered.

Dec 13th day:

Kiyumi Jewelry & Talisman Gear & Orelafey will be on sale at Feria Urbana on the 13th in Oakland.
Saturday December 13th, 10-3 P.M.

Pizzaiolo - 5008 Telegraph Ave
Oakland, CA 94609 
(510) 652-4888

Dec 13th night:
Hosted by Juxtapose Magazine: Veni Vidi Vici is a hot party with a sexy fashion show hosted by the Goddess Alchemy Project where you will see our treasures paired up with the Alchemy fashions and KiyumiJewelry on the runway. Come check out their sexy sounds, shop for some of their comfy cute clothes and some sexy earrings, dope pins or hot feather & fur hair clips. December 13th at Club 6 in San Francisco.

Dec 14th:
Then Sunday the 14th is a super special trunk sale- Kiyumi Jewelry, Panties, Beats and Bubbly! This is a private event, so if you would like details, please contact: kiyumijewelry (at) gmail (dot) com.
We hope to see you at the shows. xoxox

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Snowy Moonstone Starbird

Beautiful Jessica was adorned on her magical wedding day in a Couture Snowy Starbird.
A sparkling Moonstone is set as the center piece in a delicate Silk flower.